So I've decided to start a website and blog. If you've followed me on Instagram, you'll have a good idea of how I write.
I plan to use this platform to talk about anything and everything related to my photography, from the stories behind the images to trip reports and the lessons I've learned from being out in the field. More importantly I hope to use my stories and images to raise awareness of issues that are important to me.
My followers on Instagram mean the world to me, and what I've come to realize over the course of my time on the platform is that it is the words, more than the image, that really connect with people.
The ability to reach out to and inspire so many people with an image, paired with a few carefully chosen words, has become a key part of my creative process. The feedback I get and the dialogue that I have been able to open with so many talented people is also a great source of inspiration to me.
However, I've also felt limited by the nature of how content is consumed on Instagram. I want to create something with more permanence; something that you can chew on for a while and come back to whenever you want to.
So this is the platform I've chosen; my sandbox to present my work on my terms. Hopefully you will find some inspiration for your own creative process here.
Stayed tuned for upcoming posts and feel free to shoot me a message anytime!
Also, check out my new Facebook page using the button below which I plan to use as more of a journal to share ideas, articles, and videos that are inspiring me!
Talk soon!